SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix SAM™ Surge Anoxic Mix

Surge Anoxic Mix

Fluidyne was the first company in the US to promote the SAM™ product. It is at the top of our mainstay reliable products.

The newest Fluidyne wastewater treatment systems incorporate a surge/anoxic mix (SAM™) tank to control the process and provide rapid and complete treatment. The Surge Anoxic Mix (SAM™) System integrates anoxic and aerobic processes for energy efficient BOD, TSS and nutrient removal.



When the level in the SAM™ reactor reaches a predetermined “control level” the motive liquid pump is started. The SBR basin is filled and mixed. A percentage of the pumped flow is returned to the anaerobic chamber where biological solids settle. Settled solids in the anaerobic chamber are digested.


When the level in the SBR reaches TWL, nitrified mixed liquor overflows the surge chamber weir and is returned to the SAM™ chamber to mix and react with the raw influent. Aeration is cycled on and off to provide the required oxygen. Denitrification is reliable and complete. Scum is also removed from the SBR basin.


When the level in the SAM™ reactor again reaches “control level”, aeration is discontinued and the SBR basin settles under perfect quiescent conditions.


When the settle timer expires, the decant valve is opened and treated effluent is withdrawn from the upper portion of the SBR basin by means of a fixed solids excluding decanter.


If, during peak flow events, the SAM™ reactor reaches TWL before the decant phase ends, influent flows in a reverse direction through the surge return line and overflows the surge chamber secondary weir, and is diffused into the settled sludge at very low velocity as the decant phase continues.



This surge tank provides flow and nutrient equalization to provide optimal treatment at the full range of flows and loadings.


The Surge Anoxic Mix (SAM™) System integrates anoxic and aerobic processes for energy efficient BOD, TSS and nutrient removal.


  • Reduces tank requirements by 20-25%
  • Provides automatic adjustment of aeration/mixing to meet demand
  • Reduces energy requirements
  • Provides automatic scum removal
  • Eliminates influent control valves
  • Conditions and promotes flocculation
  • Easily retrofitted to existing SBR and other systems
  • Small footprint
  • Provides better process control
  • Great at handling peak flow